Who we are
The Region of Teruel and the Region of Maestrazgo share the route known as “Camino de los Pilones”, an ancient bridle path that articulated this extensive territory and along which people used to travel between municipalities. It is known mainly because it served for the transport of all kinds of goods, for the transfer of livestock and, because already in the Middle Ages, King James I also used it in his travels to the east. But what makes it really extraordinary is the preservation, in many sections of the road, of alignments of stone pylons, with a certain height and separation, which served to guide walkers in times of snowfall, blizzard and fog, something very common in these mountains.
Along the “Camino de los Pilones” you will cross natural landscapes of great beauty: extensive plateaus of bare rock, lush pine forests, villages of long history, dry stone roads, farmhouses, and a long list of landscape elements that will not leave you indifferent.
Aware of this, the two regions decided to join forces to unify all sections of pylons in a single itinerary, and thus was born the “Camino de los Pilones”, which now becomes the GR 265 long distance trail. This trail starts in Teruel and ends at the Puerto de las Cabrillas, in La Iglesuela del Cid, and along its route runs through several towns of great beauty, as well as natural places that tell stories and are exponent of the geology and geography of the territory. The entire route will be signposted, and you can do it in stages, enjoying all its charm. In addition, the various elements that you will find along the way will help you to know and understand the history and importance of the road.
Definitely a great experience you can’t miss!!!
Maestrazgo Region
Calle Las tres Bailías, 7, 44140 Cantavieja (Teruel)
Tel.: 964 185 242
Calle Temprado, 4, 44001 Teruel
Tel.: 978 617 280
E-mail: info@turismocomarcateruel.com
Texts: Cristina Mallén, Mónica Segura, Diego Mallén.
Web development: Virtual & Civán
This website has been made possible thanks to the contribution of the Comarcas del Maestrazgo and Comunidad de Teruel, the Teruel Investment Fund (FITE) and the Government of Aragon.